Our Brand Partners

Halfday Iced Tea
Blackwood, NJ
2021 Current
BevDev has partnered with Halfday through many levels of its growth development stages advising in areas of contract manufacturing, brand positioning, brand design, and brand strategy.
Montville, NJ
2022 Current
Together we have spent a lot of time sparring together on the Pricklee Brand, what it stands for, its purpose, values and the positive impact it wants to make in people’s lives. We have also provided guidance on supply chain, distribution, channel strategies and made investor introductions. Pricklee is a leader in the emerging plant-based water category and sharpening our reason for being will help position us for leadership over time.
Slate Milk
Boston, MA
2022 Current
Discussions between BevDev and Slate Milk are always positive, high energy and focused on unlocking challenges that drive growth. BevDev has advised Slate Milk in the areas of fundraising, contract manufacturing, formulation, DSD distribution, and investor introductions.
Tru Beverages
Natick, MA
2021 Current
BevDev has had a blast advising Tru’s leadership in fundraising strategies, evaluating test market opportunities, negotiating distributor contracts, assessing its sku line-up, go-to-market strategies, in-store promotion approach, POS design, investor introductions and more. Tru’s team is hungry, transparent, curious, open-minded, and obsessed with delivering a win-win for all its partners and stakeholders.

What Our Partners Have to Say About Us

"At Millennia Tea, we're building a team that is both aligned to our purpose, and has the deep industry knowledge and network to help us build and scale our business sustainably. From our first meeting, we knew The Beverage Development Group would be an ideal partner. Their deep experience in beverage and links into the industry have helped us to better define our capital raise strategy, open new doors of opportunity, and really strengthen our Brand. Working with them has been exceptionally valuable, and we're just getting started."
Tracy Bell
CEO & Co-Founder, Millennia Tea
“Partnering with The Beverage Development Group was one of the best decisions we've made. As an early stage beverage company, we've been approached by lots of funders and I can honestly say, The Beverage Development Group is different. They bring this incredible combination of deep beverage industry experience with integrity, passion and an eco-system of partners who are all immediately willing to jump in to help address whatever issue we're facing all on our terms. They're as committed to our success as we are, and that's really hard to find.“
Kun Yang
CEO & Co-Founder, Pricklee
"From the start I can honestly say that working with The Beverage Development Group has been a tremendous experience. On every call they always look for ways to support our growth, without being controlling in any way. Through their deep and diverse network of beverage expertise, we've improved many aspects of our brand and business, the most notable being our overall distribution strategy to help us scale. In short, BevDev gives us confidence, makes us better, and they're a blast to work with."
Jack McNamara
CEO, Tru Beverages

What can BevDev do for you? Get in touch.